Business Intelligence Data Warehousing

Business Intelligence Data Warehousing


Do you feel that your organization is weighed down by an overabundance of data, but lacks sufficient information to develop business insight? Does your management have ready access to quality information to make the right decisions at the right time?

ACS Infotek Business Intelligence service helps companies to become proactive and “information agile.” Companies are able to quickly respond to problems and take immediate advantage of opportunities. We assess the huge amount of transactional data that you have, and help you extract knowledge and insight from your data.

Our end-to-end BI services leverage our business and domain knowledge, best practice expertise, partnerships with BI tool vendors and extensive technical expertise. Reducing the time, resources, and cost associated with managing data, our flexible Solutions enable you to gain valuable insight, literally on the fly.

The correlation between BI and Data Ware Housing

Business intelligence and data warehousing are two processes that go hand-in-hand i.e one wouldn’t function without the other. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to comprehend the importance of data warehousing in BI software development services. It is quite clear from the above discussion that the BI architecture requires effective means for storing and retrieving a company’s data. Therefore, the data must be safely extracted from the given sources and stored in internal/external databases. Furthermore, this data must be easily accessible to BI tools for incessant analysis that aids in generating actionable insights. 

Below is a flow chart representation of the software architecture that clearly highlights the importance of data warehousing in business intelligence. 

the flow chart depicts different components of a business intelligence system as well as the processes taking place in parallel.  The first step is to collect data from different sources like ERP/CRM systems, APIs, databases, and IoT devices. When data is successfully collected, we move on with the integration step that mainly involves three different stages i.e extract, transform and load. 

During extraction, we pull data from external sources whereas, transformation involves conforming data to the required standards. Eventually, we load data into data warehouse management solutions for easy access throughout the analysis process. Furthermore, analyzing this data using advanced BI tools is conducive to making intelligent, data-driven decisions with sheer accuracy. 

Our BI Service Offerings:

  • Business Intelligence Assessment
    Assess effectiveness of current BI systems including the need to re-engineer or build newer ones, benchmark current effectiveness against industry, measure ROI, evaluate    Solutions and tools


  • BI Strategy and Roadmap Development 
    Build a business case, help achieve management consensus, manage analytical capabilities to drive business performance
  • Design
    BI Architecture and Planning Perform business analysis, enterprise architecture definition, conceptual design, tools recommendation, initial planning Information Management Alignment Align process methodologies, define data governance model, balance needs of various business areas, ensure effective metadata and master data management Data Acquisition and Integration Identify relevant source entities and attributes, ensure dimensional conformation, clear performance bottlenecks, carry out data cleansing and data quality checks 

  • Data Modeling
    Develop schema definitions, develop data marts – enterprise, dependent, independent

  • Implementation
    Data CrunchingDefine aggregation rules, hierarchy roll-up algorithms, base and computed measures, time-series analysis

  • Data Presentation 
    Define reports, prepare universe, define and build cubes, publish reports, slice and dice, drill-up, drill-down and drill-through

Our BI Approach

Are you able to accurately specify all the reports and analytics that you need at the start of a BI project? More likely, you will discover that your specification is constrained by the reports and analytics that you have today.

An iterative approach to Analysis, Prototyping and High-Level Design ensures that you are able to take control of the project and obtain the exact deliverables you need. Solution development commences only after you have been able to correctly define your BI requirements.

ACS Infotek utilizes a blended onsite-offshore model for delivery of our BI Solutions – ensuring high quality Solutions that meet your aggressive timelines. A number of key activities take place onsite to ensure that the solution is closely aligned with your business needs.

the flow chart depicts different components of a business intelligence system as well as the processes taking place in parallel.  The first step is to collect data from different sources like ERP/CRM systems, APIs, databases, and IoT devices. When data is successfully collected, we move on with the integration step that mainly involves three different stages i.e extract, transform and load. 

During extraction, we pull data from external sources whereas, transformation involves conforming data to the required standards. Eventually, we load data into data warehouse management solutions for easy access throughout the analysis process. Furthermore, analyzing this data using advanced BI tools is conducive to making intelligent, data-driven decisions with sheer accuracy.